1. Case Studies
  2. Campoluna Logo
Campoluna: A Thriving Permaculture Community in Ecuador

Designing a Sustainable Brand for Campoluna Permaculture Farm

Campoluna is a vibrant permaculture community farm nestled on the Ecuadorian coast. They approached Mediakular seeking a logo and branding materials that capture their unique blend of organic farming, educational workshops, artistic expression, and a deep connection to the local environment.

We designed a comprehensive brand identity for Campoluna, featuring a symbolic logo and a suite of branding materials. The logo serves as a centerpiece, visually representing the farm's core values and interconnectedness with nature.

The new brand identity has been warmly received by the Campoluna community. The logo and branding materials effectively communicate the farm's dedication to sustainable practices, fostering a strong connection with visitors and local residents alike.

Campoluna Logo

The Challenge

Developing a brand identity for Campoluna presented several key considerations:

Effectively conveying Campoluna's commitment to permaculture principles through the logo and branding materials was crucial. The design needed to capture the essence of organic farming, ecological balance, and a harmonious relationship with the environment.

The Solution

Mediakular's design team addressed these challenges through:

Symbolic Leaf Logo Design

We designed a logo featuring a basic leaf shape, representing nature and organic farming. The leaf is comprised of different colored areas, symbolizing the farm fields seen from a bird's-eye view. Upon closer inspection, the veins of the leaf depict a prominent regional tree, establishing a connection to the local ecosystem.

Integration of Diverse Farm Activities

Within the colored sections of the logo, we incorporated subtle icons representing various aspects of Campoluna. This could include a house for community, a moon and star for the farm's name, a rooster for farm animals, a specific local bean variety, and a pelican, the mascot of the region. These elements tie the logo to the farm's diverse offerings.

Local Inspiration & Color Palette

We drew inspiration from the coastal Ecuadorian landscape when selecting the logo's color palette. This approach creates a connection to the local environment and resonates with the community.

Memorable & Meaningful Logo

The combination of the leaf shape, color variations, and hidden icons within the logo creates a visually appealing and symbolic representation of Campoluna. This design is both memorable and effectively communicates the farm's core values.

Cohesive Branding Materials

We designed a suite of branding materials that maintains the visual style of the logo. This consistency can be applied to signage, website elements, marketing materials, and potentially even workshop materials, creating a unified brand experience for visitors and the community.

Logo with icons. Can be used mainly for print designs.
Logo variation with icons in the logo. Used for bigger visualizations of the logo
Vertical style of the permaculture farm logo
Horizontal style of the permaculture logo
Plain Logo. Can be used for web, together with logo text and favicon.
Raw symbol, can be used for various designs
Design of a flyer for a permaculture workshop.
Design for a Workshop Flyer
Design for a Certificate

Technical Details

Software utilized in the creation of the Campoluna logo

Adobe Photoshop

Used for initial ideas and prototype designs

Adobe Illustrator

Employed for finalizing and refining the logo design

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